Mar 26, 2012

Muslim students protest for prayer room at Christian university

There was a report last week that a group of Muslim students at St. Anthony University in Lebanon staged a small protest to demand a prayer room for Muslim students inside the university.  St. Anthony is a Christian university and to establish a prayer room for another faith would go against its bylaws and principles.  Just as Islamic universities have the right to say “no” to making a chapel for Christians on their campuses, St. Anthony also has the right to stick to its principles.  If praying during university hours is essential for some Muslim students, then they may have to find the nearest Mosque or transfer to a university that does have facilities for Muslim students to pray.    While this event has made it into the news and people are discussing it, it was not really a big deal.  The students were not very big in number, they simply lay down prayer mats and prayed together in the middle of the campus and nothing has happened since then except that people are talking about it.  The ones who are making a big deal out of it are political parties who are trying to use the incident to their advantage.  The politics need to be kept out of the university campuses so that students can focus on the reason why they are there: to study!!!  But I can understand why people are interested in this story and it has raised discussion, especially in a country like Lebanon where this small protest can incite feelings which are bound up in so much history and politics.   How do you think the university should have responded?