The National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon
For all Partners and Friends of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL)
Dear friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
As you may all know the tragic situation in Syria has now crossed the steps of the two years, violence in all its forms (killing, destruction, kidnapping for ransom, crimes of all sorts) have become daily practices that have created the most severe human tragedy our recent history has experienced.
NESSL has 20 congregations in Syria. Early after the first year one major Presbyterian church (Homs) has been attacked as well as the school and old people’s home related to it. The church cannot be used yet the school works with loss of 50% of its students and the old people’s home continued to function and has become also home for the congregation and the pastor and his family. Soon after that our other major church in Aleppo has been attacked and both congregations all now displaced.
In fact four of our churches in different parts of Syria are unable to meet for worship on Sunday due to either some destruction or for being in areas that are militarized. Thus for the last two years NESSL has been caring for (488) families displaced or have become refugees. Help varied from finances for renting new locations, to food, medicine and other daily needs. With deepening of the tragedy for all as there is now over (4.800.000) internally displaced and about (2.000.000) become refugees in neighboring countries (almost one million in Lebanon), that is not to forget the great tragedy of over (80.000) killed, our NESSL made a decision to become a church for all. We want to reach out beyond our people, and provide help for whoever we can reach.
Thus as of August 1, 2013 we start a new relief program with several centers in different parts of Syria starting in Homs and Damascus.
We aim at providing 3000 shares of food clothes, medicine, and other daily needs every month for the year August 2013 July 2014 a first step. We rely on the grace of God to end this tragedy and stop all kinds of violence knowing that our ministry will need to continue for some more years.
So we appeal to all our friends and partners, indeed for prayers but surly for financial help. This is a common endeavor as no church can do it on its own.
A special account set in Beirut for this propose:
The National Evangelical Synod of Syria & Lebanon
BYBLOS BANK SAL – Beirut Lebanon
P.O.Box: 11-5605
Riad-El-Solh 1107 2811 Beirut, Lebanon
ACCOUNT #: 3102957640008
IBAN #: LB32 0039 0000 0003 1029 5764 0008
The National Evangelical Synod of Syria & Lebanon
BANK AUDI – Beirut Lebanon
MAR ABDA Street – SARKIS Bldg.
ACCOUNT #: 091415 462 002 016 25
IBAN #: LB88 0056 0000 9141 5462 0020 16 25
Swift Code : AUDBLBBX
For our friends in the USA, help could be sent through one of the following channels:
1- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. To support disaster relief in the Middle East, click here.
2- The Outreach Foundation. Marilyn Borst:
3- To support the ministries of the Synod of Syria and Lebanon, click here.
Please continue your partnership with us so that we all become an instrument of hope and healing. The church now is expected to act and do what God raised it to do - to be the carrier of the good news of Jesus Christ who went around doing good, feeding and healing and showing love.