Nov 13, 2013

Update from a friend in Syria

Although we're getting hopeful news internationally and good news about the army's control on some dangerous areas, and having more safe roads and places. Today the situation was very bad, several mortar shells and bomb blasts caused damage in many houses in <<Azizieh>> which is a Christian area with many schools and churches. In addition to this we still didn't get back the electricity nor water.

But the most painful news is the targeting of the Armenian Orthodox church and school in Damascus with mortar shells (which is in the same yard of our office), this caused the death of six elementary students. I managed to call [our Damascus staff], they told me how they witnessed everything and did their best to help the children and the parents. They were in a very bad mood, I tried as much as I can to calm them down with few nice words.

We're praying and sure that God will give us enough patience and courage to bare all these things.

I'm feeling bad that I'm always giving you sad news.... The happy side is that JMP is there to assist these people.

Best Regards,
