Jul 15, 2013

A little bit of light...

I haven't written or posted anything in a long time.  For the last couple years my mind and my blog have been preoccupied with news from the Middle East...mostly tragic news but there is always faith and hope and love in the midst of everything.  Those things in their truest form will never change or die because they are a part of God.  What I have never shared on my blog before is that for the past two years I have not only been working and traveling, but I have also been in a serious relationship with my fiancé, David.  This year I have been blessed to be able to work and live in the same country as him and in less than two weeks we will be married in the town where we met...Stepanavan, Armenia.  I am also very thankful that my family and my Lebanese grandma will be in Armenia for the wedding and meet David for the first time.  We are very excited for our international wedding with friends and family coming from America, Lebanon, Russia, Belarus, Turkey and of course, Armenia.  The day will include a great mix of our cultures and traditions and languages which we continue to try to understand and fall in love with more fully.  I am thankful that God has entrusted me with the gift of true love and marriage.  I pray that God will help me to honor, protect and live in thanks for this gift every day for the rest of my life.  I am not worthy but God, thank you thank you thank you.