Aug 4, 2012

Which "Free Syrian Army" is Obama Supporting?

Yes, our dear President Obama is just like the rest of them.  He has signed off to send millions of dollars to Islamic jihadists in Syria to help them topple Assad and the Syrian regime.  History is being repeated again and again.  Unfortunately, when I read American newspapers about the current situation in Syria, it seems that no one has a clue about what is really happening.  In the western news, there is overwhelming support for this "Free Syrian Army" yet, I don't think anyone knows what kind of people are behind the creepy masks in all those pictures.  Maybe some of them are young "revolutionaries" or everyday people who want to fight for justice.  Maybe.  But there is a secret that Obama and the western media are trying to hide from you.  There is no "Free Syrian Army".  And as usual, the U.S. is not interested in spreading peace and democracy across the Middle East.  What truly exists are many different, unorganized groups of people, getting increasing amounts of money and dangerous weapons from different countries and different groups, many of which are extreme fundamental Islamist the ones that American soldiers were sent to look for in the caves of Afghanistan. So when Obama says that the CIA is giving aid to the "Free Syrian Army", which of these groups is he handing the money and weapons over to?  I know that Assad is a military dictator and has killed and imprisoned innocent Syrians and Lebanese as well.  However, I also know that all the churches in Homs have been destroyed and my friends cannot go home.  I know that these rebel groups have killed and kidnapped and destroyed and stolen.  I know that it is likely that the same thing could soon happen in Aleppo on an even more massive and devastating scale.  I know that as bad as Syria was under the rule of Assad, as a Christian, I would rather live under Assad's military dictatorship than an Islamic military dictatorship like Saudi Arabia, a country which, by the way, is one of the biggest supporters of the "Free Syrian Army".  To use the word "unfortunately" is an understatement but, unfortunately, it seems that there are two options for Syria in the present time, Assad or a chaos from which no one knows what or who could arise.  Usually, I don't like to compare situations, but let us recall, just for a moment, that after the Soviets withdrew, those "Freedom Fighters" who the U.S. supplied with weapons in Afghanistan became the Taliban.  We are here trying to figure out how to help the Syrian refugees who have fled to Lebanon and how to safely send aid to those internally displaced who fled their homes with only the clothes on their backs.  At the same time, the U.S. and other governments and groups are sending weapons and more weapons to add fuel to this fire so that it continues to spread its flames to the feet of more innocent people and make them run.  So what should Obama have done instead of sending assistance to the "Free Syrian Army"?  That will have to be the subject of a separate entry, but let him and the media start by telling the truth.