Jan 20, 2012

Introduction to the organizations I am working with

I am supported by two Christian denominations in the United States, the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ and their joint mission board which is called Global Ministries. Global Ministries has partners all over the world who can request missionaries, advocacy and funding.  I will be working with two of Global Ministries’ partners in Lebanon. 

The first is the Our Lady of Faith Dispensary for Iraqi refugees.  The Dispensary belongs to the Middle East Council of Churches.  It provides medications and medical services to poor Lebanese citizens and Iraqi refugees.  In addition to the clinic, the Dispensary works with a Christian NGO (Non-governmental organization) called Heart for Lebanon to distribute food portions to 550 families, 275 each month.  The Dispensary also hosts Bible studies and fellowship gatherings for the Iraqis. 

The second organization that I will work with is called the Forum for Culture, Development and Dialogue (FDCD).  My first week has been spent at the Dispensary so I do not yet have any experience at the FDCD which makes it difficult for me to really explain what it is all about but I will copy here a description of the FDCD’s mission from one of the organizations brochures:

FDCD represents a faith-based, integrated initiative rising from the community and aiming to restore dignity to marginalized, oppressed, and dehumanized individuals and communities.  We strive to empower religious groups, both Muslim and Christian, to work alongside civil society organizations to address the challenges that face their communities, individually and collectively.  This is done through a process of dialogue, interfaith solidarity and cooperation among communities in the Middle East.

So now I have explained a bit about the partners I will be working with over the next year.  However, I am still not able to explain exactly what my role will be in these organizations.  I have spent this first week at the Dispensary, just observing and learning, asking lots of questions.  Tomorrow morning I have a meeting at the Middle East Council of Churches where I will learn more.  Next week I will go to a three-day conference with the FDCD about helping victims of trauma.  It seems I will be in a different office every day, learning many new things and doing many different types of work.  There will be a lot of room for creativity, growth, challenge and of course, God’s will and guidance.